Be a Sounding Board

Welcome to March, the month for Spring! March is the time for growth, inspiration and so much joy. Soon...the air will become warmer, buds will start forming on trees, and my spirits will be soaring! I'm already feeling revitalized by the thought of it all. Birds are already singing their hopeful songs, and I would love to join them.
Last night I was working on some projects, mostly sketching away for a big plan I have in mind, when I had a grand idea. So often, when I'm drawing or designing I wish I had someone to check in with...a sounding board if you will. I miss the days of art school, when I had a group of buddies to bounce ideas off of. Even at my day job, I have other cover designers that I can discuss covers with...but I don't have this for my personal work.
Now, I can imagine that I'm not the only one!!
{Connection by Jessica Swift}
Here's what I'm thinking. I want to create a cozy, intimate group to be a sounding board for life. Whether you need an opinion about fonts for your branding, or what color to dye your hair next week, you will have this little group to turn to for advice. Consider it a group to share your Joy! What do you think? Do you have a sounding board? If not, wouldn't you love to have one?! Would you like to join me?
If you would like to get in on the sounding board goodness, please email me at [email protected] I will add you to the list, and once I have a few people together, I'll set up a group!

Reader Comments (1)
That sounds like a great idea! Keep us posted.