The Declaration of You

Today starts my second week of The Declaration of You ecourse! I can't believe a full week has already passed. I already feel so behind in my class...but I know I will catch up soon. There are just so many wonderfully talented ladies to meet and discussions to be had and questions to be asked and things to declare!!!! It's pure joy.
Jessica Swift and Michelle Ward have already had me thinking so much about my life, about what makes it special. It has me thinking about all of the things that make me, well ME, and all of those things that I need to change to be my authentic self. It has me thinking about my relationships with other people, too. Do they see the person I think they are seeing? Am I always putting my best foot forward? Does what I think about myself match the person that I am putting out there in the world?
I'm beginning to realize that I'm not always, 100% the person that I want to be. I know that there are things that I can do to be what we call Authentic. I feel like sometimes in the past, I have given up little bits of who I am to fit in better with others. But the beauty of it is, that I really don't have to fit in!! I should want to stand out! And all of those things that are who I am? Those things are real. Those things are what make me unique and happy and beautiful, regardless of what others may have to think or say about it.
{Sing Out Loud Every Day by pleasebestill}
So today, I want to declare some of the things that make me unique, that give me enthusiasm for life!!
- I love to help people, to give, to make others feel better, to solve problems if it'll make their life easier...even the people who may not like me. I can't help myself. I'm a giver.
- I love life. I appreciate the little things, the big things.
- I get emotional. I feel things with my soul, and sometimes, I get overwhelmed...and I cry. And I'm okay with that. :)
- I'm what corporate business people like to call "A Millenial"- I like to multitask and do several things at once. This doesn't mean that I don't give things my full attention or that I don't do a good job. When it comes to work, I don't stop. I complete every detail to the best of my ability...which brings me to my next point:
- ...I'm also a people pleaser.
- I'm extremely shy around people I don't know. I know this is something I need to work on if I want to sell my goods at craft fairs someday...but I'm much better than I used to be already!
- I LOVE food. Luckily, I also have good genes and was blessed with a high metabolism.
- If I like something, I probably will never tire of it. I could watch the same movie, listen to the same song, love the same things...over and over and over again.
- I'm incredibly short. Shorter than your average 12 year old. The important people don't care. It has never stopped me.
- I have the best family, friends, boyfriend, and lovable pups that any person could be blessed with. I am thankful every moment for every single one of them.
- I am an artist, a creator, a maker of things. The day I stop doing any of these things, is the day that I will stop living. Making things breathes life into my soul.
- I love downhill skiing, but I haven't done it in a long while. It used to be one of the only things that got me through the dreaded Michigan winters. I miss it so much!
- There are so many things that I want to do in life, that I want to give to the world.
- Pizza goldfish are my favorite snack. They have been since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. Recently, ALL of my local grocery stores have stopped carrying them. I was devastated...but I'm on a mission to find them!
- If nobody stopped me, I would eat cereal for every meal and be completely content.
- I get really excited and involved in the things that make me happy. I hope someday to surround myself with other people that are like me.
That's all for now! I love how much this class has me thinking and feeling and growing. I'm currently working on a list of goals and "wants" and I can't wait to put them into action. But for now, I want to share an important message from Popcorny: